
Sea ice melt in the Arctic (Photo: Getty Images)The Chinese Arctic and Antarctic administration (CAA) is organizing the CHINARE5, in collaboration with the State Oceanic Administration of China (SOA). The Polar Research Institution of China (PRIC) is the research body of the CAA.

PRIC will be conducting research in several fields in CHINARE 5 but although it is a Chinese research expedition, five scientists will be on board that are not from China. That which shows the international cooperation China has with various partners.

Other partners are the University of Iceland, which will have Dr. Ingibjörg Jónsdóttir on board on the way back to China where she will study sea ice. Rannís is the Icelandic center of research which will have Egill Níelsson on board from China to Iceland studying Arctic shipping. Arctic Portal is a partner to the project through the website.

Apart from the two Icelanders, France, USA and Taiwan also have representatives on board.

There are 70 scientists on board. They are divided between fields.

• 22 persons in the Physical Oceanography team (Sea Ice, Marine meteorology)
• 10 persons in the team of Marine Geology
• 16 persons in the team of Marine Chemistry and Atmospheric Chemistry
• 22 persons in the team of Marine biology and ecolosystem

The scientist are joined by a team of administrative staff, the crew of the ship and journalists from China.

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